Yoga to some is recreation. Yoga to others is strengthening.
Yoga to others is exercise. To San Jose chiropractic patients, McMurray Chiropractic Solutions offers some alluring information about the effects of yoga and
various postures on the heart, blood pressure and core muscles which support
the spine. Yoga may add that special something to the treatment plan of
pain for some patients by strengthening those core muscles.
First, a group of researchers studied particular yoga postures
(Asanas) for their effects on heart rate, blood pressure, systolic pressure and
diastolic pressure. Rather than share all the specifics of each posture,
McMurray [companyname]] found it interesting to note the balance of yoga. Some postures
increase blood pressures while others decrease them. Some postures’ effects even
differ between right and left sided performance. Postures requiring effort
exertion done before relaxation provide greater cardiovascular recovery. (1)
Yoga can be exertive and relaxing as well as beneficial.
And the benefits of yoga don’t stop with the cardiovascular
system. The muscular system benefits, too. Plus, for those San Jose
chiropractic patients who have back pain, yoga’s approach to strengthening the
core to support the spine may be the better balanced approach. Why? Because abdominal
exercises like sit-ups promote a slouched posture and diaphragm compression whereas
yoga postures promote a more upright posture and openness for breathing. And
exercises like sit-ups often encourage quantity. “How many sit-ups did you do
today?” The more beneficial approach is the quality approach to abdominal core
strengthening: upright posture, breathing. (2) McMurray Chiropractic Solutions encourages
exercise and is ready to discuss and even demonstrate how quality beats
quantity when it comes to abdominal exercise for the spine-supporting core.
So contact McMurray Chiropractic Solutions today for a San Jose
chiropractic care consultation about your spine conditions like back
pain and leg pain as well as about the quality of your core exercises. A few yoga
postures may be sound additions to your San Jose chiropractic treatment
"This information and website content is not intended to diagnose, guarantee results, or recommend specific treatment or activity. It is designed to educate and inform only. Please consult your physician for a thorough examination leading to a diagnosis and well-planned treatment strategy. See more details on the
DISCLAIMER page. Content is reviewed by
Dr. James M. Cox I."